Monday, July 25, 2011

July 22, 2011

Today is the end of extended home studies... It will continue with the normal school year on August 23, 2011 when the school year starts up again. Zachary has 4 weeks off from the Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and Preschool Teacher 4 times a week. Don't let this fool you, he still has to go to Casa Colin for his Physical Therapy, Feeding and Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy. He was still has for now 2 hours a week of Behavioral Therapy at home. Hopefully, this will soon change to 25 hours a week so Zachary is getting all the help he needs to become fully functional as a high functioning autistic child. Hopefully the next time I notate it will be stating we got the services.. Will wait and see...

Autistic Doctor (Casa Colina) 7-20-2011

We went for our follow up with Dr. Baumann, Pediatric Neurologist Specializing in Autism. She seen the progress Zachary has made with talking and believes Zachary will be able to have a full and normal life provided he gets the help and therapy he needs now. She is requesting 25 hours a week of behavioral therapy. The same that two other neurologists have requested since before he was 3 years old, but everyone (regional and school district) has ignored. She states Zachary is a very smart child who will go far in life. :) If the regional center would have listened before Zachary would be further ahead of where he is now. They think he is a normal child because he is not the typical autistic child. This is what absolutely is sad that kids who are not the typical autistic kid suffers because they don't want to help and pay for the therapy.

Orthopedist 7-19-2011

Finally, we seen the Orthopedist after trying to get an appt since November 2010. We went for Zachary's feet and back. His feet are flexible flat feet and he walks on his arches. We also thought he might have scoliosis. Thank god he does not have scoliosis, but his feet are less fortunate. He will need orthodics coming up next year but for the meantime in the summer we can just use his sandals that have an arch in them. The doctor didn't want to make him wear shoes and socks when it is soo hot.

Zachary ER 7-16-2011

Friday, my family and I went to dinner and Zachary fell asleep at the table. (This is so not Zachary) Zachary is usually talking to anyone and everyone who walks by. I thought it was unusual but figured his cousins were here and he was just pooped. The next morning he woke up and walked to the couch and went back to sleep. This too was unusual but I let him sleep. He woke up a few minutes later with liquid coming from his mouth and nose and wasn't able to breathe. I thought he was going to throw up and was scared because he has never really thrown up out of his mouth. As a baby he always regurgitated out of his nose. So I called the nurses line and they stated to take him to emergency since he was having a hard time breathing.

The ER Doc listened to his lungs and they took temp and all looked good. The only thing that was strange is my son wasn't talking and he was just laying there lethargic. The doc said ,"Everything is good, but you know your son what would you like me to do?" I replied, "This is not my son! My son would be talking and pulling at your pockets and stethascope and talking to anyone and everyone. There is something wrong with my son, so please do all the tests to find out what is." So they did and the found he was dehydrated and his blood sugar level was 50. The normal blood sugar level should be 70 which I just learned. This is not a Digeorge Syndrome problem or Autistic problem, so I am unfamiliar with this and it kinda threw me for a loop. Basically, he is not getting enough calories and liquids. Don't know how this happened since he drinks and eats all the time... So now it is time again to change what I am doing.. No more raviolis or spaghettios unless they are whole what instead of the can stuff. I have to be careful because he can only eat things that are easy to chew due to his feeding issues. Now more gatorade instead of juice.

Took Zachary back to docs on Tuesday the 19th and had his finger stuck and his blood sugar was 86 which is just fine.. I just have to watch him for this now and be aware of it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Neuro Psychologist 7-15-11

Today was the last appt of 3 that we seen the Neuro Psych. He has concluded that Zachary is Autistic. I will wait and see if he puts with that ADHD or/and ADD... We had spoken about ADHD because Regional Center wants to put Zachary with that only.... and he mention Attention Deficit at one point.. We will see what the reports states when I get that....

July is for Doctors

This month I had originally had planned on being laid off, but my work offered an extension to stay for a little bit longer, so I did... I had planned many doctor appts for this month. We are seeing the Neuro Psych to evaluate what is going on in Zachary's head. So far seems to be Autism... We have seen him twice and have one more appt today...

Orthopedist... Finally, got an appt with the doctor for Zachary's feet. St. Jude Doc stated it is perfectly normal to walk on the inside of his archs... He just has flat flexible feet. hmmm it is getting worse doesn't seem so normal.... But we will get a second opinion 19th...

Autism... 20th we go back and see Dr. Baumann the Autistic Specialist.. She diagnosed Zachary October 2010 with High Functioning Autism. But since Regional Center will not take the Specialist Diagnosis we have to go get another Specialist who does more testing to back up or shoot down The Doc. Soon we will know...

Zachary is doing fantastic other than the repetitive questions and things. The lights, fans and music continue to be a problem along with the smelling everything... These are problems and need to be watched..

Friday, July 8, 2011

Zachary's 5th Annual Bowlathon

Zachary's 5th Annual bowlathon went great this year.. We occupied 22 lanes of the 36 lane bowling alley. We had great raffle items and wonderful help from the donating companies and individuals... Right now it stands at $2,305.00 all together being raised by donatings, matchings and bowlathon.... This is the best year yet and we are still going.... This year was the first year that Zachary did his own thank you speech... Every other year he hasn't been able to speak. This year he did and did a phenomenal job over and over and over again.. lol