Monday, September 21, 2009

Sick or not??

Zachary seems to be coming down with a cold. Lots of sneezing and boogers... We will have to see how he is tonight.. Hopefully he will kick it and not get fully sick....


I have noticed several times this little bump that appears on Zachary's tummy. I always just let it go not thinking it was anything. Recently, Zachary has been grabbing his tummy and his back near his kidney's. While we were at the cardiologist the other day I was calling the doc to make an appt because of Zach grabbing his tummy and back. I showed my mom the bump and she said it looked like a hernia. So I made an appointment for after the cardiologist and went right away. The doctor said it does look like a hernia. We needed to do an ultrasound to verify for sure if it is or not. We set up the appt for Sept 30th. It could possibly need surgical repair and could not. We don't and won't know until after the ultrasound. Stay tuned..

Zachary's Echocardiogram

September 16th

Zachary, Grandma & I went to see Dr. Chang, Zachary's cardiologist. They did an echocardiogram to see if his ASD (the hole in his heart) had closed. They couldn't see it again which is good news. They did however say that now they will be watching his left pulmonary artery. It is narrow due to the heart surgery from the vascular ring. So it needs to be watched because there is more flow from the right pulmonary artery than the left. We will go back in 6 months and continue to monitor Zachary's breathing and also his activity and stamina.

The Heart Walk 2009

The heart walk went awesome this year!!! There was a change that we walked at the old El Toro marine base. It was all good except the way to go out of the place. It took us an hour and it was not controlled at all!! Hopefully next year it will be....