Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Zach's foot continuing saga

Zachary's fungus has seem to hold on forever.... We went back to the Doctors and they gave him a different cream with a steroid in it.. I don't know if his body wasn't allowing the medicine to work or what. The Doctor stated it usually works with no problem, but this time it wasn't and seemed to be getting worse.... So now this new medicine with the steroid seems to be working so far. It is looking better.. We will see.....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Zach's Foot

We have been fighting a fungus on Zachary's foot for 2 months... First we did the Lotrimin and then the Anti-fungal prescription. But nothing seems to be working.. The doctor is worried and has given us an anti-fungal cream with a steriod in it.. So hopefully this will work otherwise, I don't know what they will do... I was told to monitor his foot and toe closely. She stated it didn't look good so we need to watch it....

July 1st

We went to the Nutritionist to keep track of Zachary's height and weight.. We were sent there early on due to Zachary was off the chart with his weight and height... I mean off the chart like in a really bad way.. His height and weight didn't register for his age due to he was below in everything.... But we are creeping back up and now in the 10th and 25th percentile. We are getting ready to transition him from whole milk to 2% percent milk and hoping this will not produce any problems with his weight... Time will tell.....