Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Here we go again....

The other day Zachary was limping. I made a doctors appt to make sure his foot was okay. Before we went I picked up my mail and got a letter from Childrens Hospital of Orange stating that Zach's Vitamin D level was low. Now 1 1/2 to 2 years ago when he was Discharged from Endocrynology, they stated it was very unlikely for him to have problems like this again... Well HERE WE GO AGAIN!!

The good news Zachary's foot is fine.. We did XRAY and nothing is wrong...
The bad news Zachary will have to go back on medication. I finally got him off all his medication about November last year. Now he will have to go back onto the medication calcitriol that he stopped using 2 years ago.. Here is the kicker the medication costs $136.00 WONDERFUL!!

In other news... In June they will do an endoscopy on Zachary.. They won't be using a camera or anything, but the ENT will be able to see if he has any redness from acid reflux or if it is gone all together. He will also be able to see the submucosal cleft and how it is progressing..

Zachary has also been referred to a foot doctor. Zachary walk on the insides of his feet. Hopefully no surgery will need to be done and this is something that can be fixed without surgery.. I will cross my fingers and we will see.....Wish us luck!!