Saturday, May 28, 2011

MARCH 2011

March was an eventful month... A new Speech Teacher started and come over sick.... An assessment was done by Regional Center... Zachary was in the hospital for RSV and 2 new therapists at Casa Colina.

The Assessment was done by Regional Center and they state Zachary isn't Autistic and they would be looking at ADHD when he turns 6 years old.. Of course they are going to look at that then they don't have to pay for him anymore....

A Specialist in Autism states Zachary is High Functioning Autistic just so happens to be the same Specialist Regional Center uses for their Seminars(This I don't get, they wont take her diagnosis and she specializes in Autism). Regional Center states the lights, fans, vaccuums and the smelling everything is not an issue. hahah what a joke... They assign a behavioral therapist to come and do therapy on Zachary at my home. While I am sitting here on the computer Zachary leaves his playroom/therapy room where he is with the behavioral therapist and runs into the room I am in and grabs the vaccuum and smells the bag. The Behavioral Therapist looks at him and then looks at me in disbelief.. I said Oh don't worry Regional Center said this wasn't an issue... She looked at me HUH? She said this is an issue.. I said I know I was being sarcastic. I told her Regional Center wanted to look at ADHD when I come back in one year and she replied he is not ADHD he is Autistic. While they are assessing Zachary, he is playing with the lights. They finally after an hour of him playing with the lights they finally tape them down, so he can't play with them. How is this not an issue??? Anyone who has been around Zachary would know lights, fans, vaccuums and music is what he is all about. I have people who have met him once and they know this and see this. How is it that a group of Doctors don't see this???

In the next few days, Zachary landed in urgent care and they gave him an antibiotic and sent him home. The next day he got worse. I took him to Emergency Room and on the way my tire blew out on the freeway. (Talk about luck) When I finally got to the ER Zachary was at 103 and usually we get in real quick due to his issues, but this time they had us waiting an hour by then Zachary was 104. I told him they needed to do something because he is at 104 now. They took him in and took care of him.. They did all the usual tests blood, xrays and bulb syringe and came back and said he had RSV... It is an infection that attacks the lungs and this white blood cells and tcells where the lowest they have been in a couple years and needed him to stay overnight for them to monitor him. 24 hours later they let him leave with an appt to get blood drawn in a week to rule out any other issues that could prove to be something far worse with the tcells and white blood cells being so low.. Everything was okay the virus is what brought the #'s down.. It was a little scary...

Zachary started Therapy at Casa Colina. He now attends therapy for Physical Therapy, Speech/Feeding Therapy. These are 2 therapies that could greatly help him.

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